Glenn Dale Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes—April 18, 2006
The meeting started at 7:40PM with the Vice-President presiding.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary briefly summarized the minutes, which were accepted. He then provided a supplemental account of the "officers meeting" (held via email) to deal with last- minute comments on the terms of the legal instruments to preserve the Golf Course. Jim provided the following summary of the officers meeting held on the "drop-dead date" for comments on the Golf Course proposal.
The only matter on which the officers had disagreed concerned how long the prohibition on developing the Golf Course would last. The covenants restrict development for 30 years. Jim pointed out that the extra density would be around in perpetuity, so the restriction should also be in perpetuity. Jim proposed language requiring the developer and Golf Course to explore language protecting the Golf Course in pertuity and to modify documents to use the language that provides the greatest protection. Henry and Jim voted yes, Mary and John voted no. Henry declared that the motion had failed.
The President arrived during the Secretary’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report: $1558.98 including 20 cents interest and 8 new members.
Doug Peters will have town hall meeting May 11 @7PM at the firehouse according to the flyer—but last month we were told it would be May 4.
The Mexican Restaurant closed. Now there is a Chinese.
Henry got a letter forwarded by Senator Leo Greene from SHA responding to our previous letter on lane markings.
The Association’s second President passed away recently.
New Business.
Strawberry Glenn. The developers of Strawberry Glenn have been planning an expansion onto the property near Old Pond Rd., which is owned by USDA. However, the development will not have access from Old Pond Drive. They were previously planning for 14 houses—but now it is down to 9 homes. M-NCPPC also denied approval for crossing of the WB&A Trail, given the alternative access. Two lots may not be developable due to wetlands. Park and Planning is looking at acquiring several acres, and possibly adding a trail connecting Strawberry Glenn to the WB&A trail.
Evidently, the developers "failed to post" the intention to develop in time.
Resolution. We passed a resolution to object to the failure to post at Strawberry Glenn. We also passed a measure opposing any road across the horse trail along Old Pond Road.
Proposal to pave sidewalks along NACCO development. DPWT says it is too late. For some reason NACCO said no sidewalks. No one at the meeting knew whether the East Glenn Dale plan provides for sidewalks and if so, how that would affect DPWT’s plans.
Property Next to Eastgate Shopping Center. Councilman Hendershot has proposed a text amendment for a property along MD-193 just south of the shopping center. It would be for senior housing. . Park and Planning is opposed to it. "Prince Georges Citizens to Improve Zoning Now" also oppose it, because text amendments are not the way to do it. Staff opposes it: This is rural residential and now they want multi-family median density without looking at the whole context. This is piecemeal zoning. Councilman Peters is opposed to it; he has told us that M-NCPPC should do a West Glenn Dale sector plan instead.
Question: Collection of trash at MD-193 and Prospect Hill. Try to get police to write tickets for littering.
John: Plans to look at bylaws.
Old Business.
East Glenn Dale and Golf Course. Henry added: On the drop dead date, we filed a letter embodying our position. We commented on the document filed by Normal Rivera. We asked for some changes, and all of those changes were made.
Zoglio at MD-450 and MD-193. Planning Board passed the preliminary plan. About 24 houses on about 24 acres.
We adjourned at 8:23 for the presentation by Paula Burr focused on family preparedness.