Glenn Dale
Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes September 19, 2006
There is an October 3rd meeting on Leaf Collection, 9 to 11 AM
at the DPWT on Darcy Road in Forestville.
The SHA is providing information on the UMA connector to the Beltway, I-95/
I-495. Sign up on astraus to be on the mailing list.
Lincoln Vista will have a Fish Fry this Saturday 9/23 at the neighborhood park.
The Bell Station Road Culvert has to be approved by the DPWT to stay the same. The clearing easement will have 10 ft of its 20-ft width replanted with bushes.
John Shields reported that the outline for the senior living area on the golf course development has been changed but the total area remains the same. After viewing the preliminary plan, the association approved a motion by Jackie Gestney, seconded by Tony Drake, stating "The GDCA has no objection to the plan as shown to us on September 19, 2006, however the developer should take all reasonable precautions to ensure safety."
New Business
The annual Planning Board Budget Forum will be on October 3 at 7 PM at 6600 Kennelworth Ave. A motion was made by Mary Vondrak and seconded by Linda Thompson to write and ask for funds for ball fields at the Glenn Dale Hospital Site, funds to move and refurbish the historic "Good Luck School For Colored Students" at 7600 Northern Avenue and to resurface Old Pond Road.
A motion was made by Dan Sichel, seconded by Jackie Gestney, to write a letter to MNCPPC to support Lincoln Vista's request for usable portable toilets at Lincoln Vista Community Park. The motion passed.
A request was made for people to sign up as parties of record for Glenn Dale Common PP4-06028, DSP 06072, DSP 06073, and DSP 06074.
Meeting Adjourned Motion by Jackie Gestney, seconded by Emma Dudley.