Glenn Dale Citizens Association

Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2005

Prepared By Jim Titus, Secretary

Meeting started at 7:35 PM. The President and Vice President were absent, so the Secretary chaired the meeting while taking notes. This made for both a shorter meeting and a shorter set of notes. We started once we had a quorom.

Secretary’s Report [7:41 PM]

Minutes accepted.

Treasurer’s Report. We have $1439.81

Old Business

Hospital: John recapped the story on proposed plan. A pre-filed bill, is a possibility. Deadline is by September or October, John thinks.

Bell Sation: Gabriel’s Run. Houses were supposed to be in the $400K range, but signs say $600K. 109 houses between Md-450 and US-50. Houses east of the triangle, across MD-193, 12 houses. R-E near Marieta. Those houses are on the north side of Bell Station. The 8 acres on Bell Sation and MD-193 will be deeded over to Park and Planning. The 12 houses on Cul-de-Sac will be this side of Bell Station.

We discussed Henry’s email, which said: They were supposed to have no access to Bell Station, except for a drainage pipe. They cut drainage pipe space 150 feet wide. Why such a wide area? They had mandate to leave all the trees. It looked like egress. Henry and Nora, Susan and Jim walked it with the Park and Planning person in charge of trees. Developer concedes: Trees were gone. Originally the plan was to re-plant trees—but it’s unlikely this will be fixed. MNCPPC permit said road access on MD-193. But the scenic road trumped SHA policy.

Culvert: Someone told developer to put in a larger culvert. Henry doesn’t think that the road will flood. Unclear why they need a bigger drain if the water will all go into a pond. Henry thinks that MNCPPC extracted additional improvements along the way. Which agencies.

Emergency Procedures. The Association has never discussed it. What individual preparation do we need to take? How do we protect ourselves from roving bandits even if we do stock up provisions. The Association passed a resolution that Tony Drake will develop a draft list of questions and possible speakers, and send it around to all of us. Then we will possibly invite a speaker or two to address this issue.

Zoglio. John Shields recapped the reposting issue. This is 19-25 houses. Zoglio is also interested in the Brenan property within the triangle, behind the gas station. Because of house in middle of triangle, there are various possibilities—e.g. moving house to another site. Or move it to corner of the property. This is Victorian—1880-1890. About 5 years ago, there was plan for Safeway etc. at that location. That plan fell through.

The Secretary gave the trails report. He will testify in October in support of the Folly Branch trail, which includes route to Seabrook MARC from Glenn Dale. John added: there are probably some creek underpasses beneath Amtrak that could accommodate a trail.

Eastgate. What is the latest? Does anyone know? Signs Up. No one knows.

Final Issue: Find out what is going on MD-193 and bike trail. Making a hold under MD-193 to get water off property where the 12 houses will be.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:36 PM.
